About Sequenced Learning

Technology can be a powerful resource in the classroom, but far too often it becomes a distraction, or completely derails your lessons. 

I’m convinced there is another way to approach teaching and learning with technology in the classroom. A method of employing digital tools with your students that allows you to keep your focus on the pedagogy. It's about selecting digital resources that you can employ briskly. I call this method Simple Tools.

It's an approach that encourages a more natural partnership between technology, classroom teaching and learning. It also supports a keener understanding of our application as teachers of the three areas of knowledge we employ in concert: Content, Technology and Pedagogy. The Simple Tools method encourages students and teachers to become more mindful and purposeful in both selecting and employing the digital tools they use. 

Oh, and why 'sequenced'? The pursuit of powerful learning in blended classrooms and online spaces is challenged by constant change and a seemingly endless array of contradictions and distractions. A clear and sequential approach to learning ensures everyone is on the same page, with the same goals and ideals.